Book Review: Moon in Bastet

By Elizabeth Suggs

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Moon In Bastet by E.S. Danon is a memoir turned thrilling fiction about Danon's life.

We follow an orphan fourteen-year-old girl named Eva who lives in the Negev desert of Israel and works as a custodian of Cirque Du Christianisme, controlled by a drunk woman. Eva's only reprieve from her life is her thirteen-year-old friend Jack and a small cohort of Bedouin sister-wives.

There's mystery, magic, and symbolism all compounded into one fantastic book. Danon's prologue is powerful, with poetic descriptions and abstract ideas, but the rest of the book didn't pull me in as the writing didn't hit me as hard, and the story felt more YA.

This book wasn't for me, but you may like this if you enjoy mystical YA stories!

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Elizabeth Suggs is the owner and founder of Editing Mee and co-owner of Collective Tales Publishing. When she’s not writing or editing, she loves to dive deep into books (the weirder, the better!), and she loves to take random long walks to unplanned destinations. Check out her recently released book Collective Darkness with eleven other authors. Buy your copy here: